Tag Archives: wellness
How to Make Sure Drug Rehab Has the Best Impact
Addiction recovery is a journey, and this journey doesn't always follow a linear path.
One of the biggest hurdles to recovery is relapse. Between 40% and 60% of recovering addicts and alcoholics relapse at some point. This struggle is best mitigated through rehabilitation programs, but it's not a simple as just signing up.
Recovery starts with the right program, but success is sustained with the right approach to rehab.
Maximize your chances of recovery success with this quick guide to drug
Water, Water, Everywhere: 3 Tips for Staying Hydrated
One of the basic needs that helps humans survive can often be the most overlooked. Water keeps everything from our skin to our organs working in tip-top shape. But staying hydrated is a process that isn't always easy.
There are several reasons why it's important to stay hydrated. Below are some key tips for staying hydrated and keeping your body healthy over the long-term.
Why Stay Hydrated?
Dehydration can occur at any time of the year and cause serious, long-term damage to your internal organs.
5 Inspiring Stories of Male Weight Loss Transformations
The obesity rate for young American men is 40.3%. Over the age of 40, that jumps up to 46.4%.
It's no secret there's an obesity problem in the United States, but not quite enough attention is paid to male weight loss transformations, even though their rates of obesity are higher than women's.
Ready to Be Inspired?
So let's take a little time to appreciate these transformations that men have achieved through diet, nutrition, a new exercise workout, and more to reduce their belly fat.
Boost Your Confidence with Beautiful Skin
Photo by CC user 58842866@N08 on Flickr
Your skin is often the first thing people will notice on you, which is why it can make a huge difference to your self-esteem to take proper care of it. Good skin can help you to feel more beautiful and raise your confidence. Taking care of your skin also helps you change up your daily routine to add in healthier choices for self-care. Making smart choices when it comes to skincare is actually very simple and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.
What You Need To Know About High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Exercising can result in a variety of different body types. Imagine a sprinter; eery muscle defined, looking like they could also be pro bodybuilders. Now, imagine a long distance runner; little to no fat on their body, and any muscle they have is lean and miniscule. Both athletes train excessively, yet look very different. Their workout regimes would account for this.
What is HIIT?
High intensity interval training, HIIT for short, is a form of cardio in which you perform any exercise at a high