Tag Archives: fitness
5 Inspiring Stories of Male Weight Loss Transformations
The obesity rate for young American men is 40.3%. Over the age of 40, that jumps up to 46.4%.
It's no secret there's an obesity problem in the United States, but not quite enough attention is paid to male weight loss transformations, even though their rates of obesity are higher than women's.
Ready to Be Inspired?
So let's take a little time to appreciate these transformations that men have achieved through diet, nutrition, a new exercise workout, and more to reduce their belly fat.
NZT48 fictional smart pill from the movie Limitless
In the movie Limitless, the character played by Bradley Cooper takes a pill, called NZT48. This pill enables him to think faster, understand new information, and greatly enhances memory. Similar plot lines have been used in other science fiction stories and movies. The amazing results shown in the movie have led many to search online for NZT 48 pills from Limitless.
Are These Pills Real?
This is a common question among fans of the movie and science fiction fans in general. While that particular
What You Need To Know About High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Exercising can result in a variety of different body types. Imagine a sprinter; eery muscle defined, looking like they could also be pro bodybuilders. Now, imagine a long distance runner; little to no fat on their body, and any muscle they have is lean and miniscule. Both athletes train excessively, yet look very different. Their workout regimes would account for this.
What is HIIT?
High intensity interval training, HIIT for short, is a form of cardio in which you perform any exercise at a high
Five Tools That Will Take Your Physique To The Next Level
Whether you have been in the gym your entire life and you consider yourself an expert athlete or if you are someone who has only been training for a few months and are still relatively a novice trainer, it can be extremely frustrating when your body plateaus and you stop noticing improvements. After all, nobody wants to put all that effort and hard work in, only to maintain the same results. Luckily, there might be some things you can do to kick things into high gear. Here are five tools that will
I’ve Been Working Out and Not Losing Weight, WTF?!
Have you seen that person at the gym go over to the scale every 15 minutes, grinning like a Grinch with each visit?
Oh yea, the perfect workout…pounds just melting off by the second!
Of course these gym patrons aren’t losing fat, but a substance made up of zero calories that will actually cause dehydration and fatigue if not replaced and in fact lower your metabolic rate: water.
Believe it or not, almost everyone’s weight will fluctuate around five pounds or more per day. If you’re