The Keys to Selecting a Great Cosmetic Surgeon
Once you have decided on having a cosmetic surgery procedure, your next concern is how to locate a reputable cosmetic surgeon. Because of the huge increase in plastic surgery today, there are an increasing number of cosmetic surgeons. However, not all are skilled and even fewer are special. Your goal is to find a special surgeon, that will give you the best chance of having a safe operation and results that you will love. Here’s a guideline for you to use when reviewing potential surgeons for your cosmetic surgery.
Ask About Certifications and if the Surgeon is in Good Standing
Each cosmetic surgeon is an MD who’s gone through medical school and residency. This doctor has also had additional training in cosmetic surgery which may have been a two-year program. The highest level of certification for a cosmetic surgeon is to be a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. If the surgeon that you are selecting is a member of this organization in good standing like decorated Orange County plastic surgery veteran Dr. Farbod Esmalilan, you can rest assured that the doctor is more than qualified to perform your surgery.
You should also ask for any certifications and past awards the doctor has received. Your goal is to find the best surgeon you can afford, and reviewing the certifications and awards of the surgeon helps you determine whether this is the best surgeon for your surgery.
Pay Attention When You Visit the Office
On your visit to the clinic or office of the cosmetic surgeon, you can learn a lot about how business is conducted. Pay attention to the way that you and other patients are treated by the people working in that office. Are they polite and helpful? Do they answer your questions cheerfully and encourage you to ask more? Do they get people in and out of the office in a timely manner? Is the doctor friendly and personable? Does he or she give good answers to all of your questions and enough time to for you ask the ones that are important to you?
You should pay attention to these things and also bring a list of questions you need answered. Also make sure that the office is clean and that any equipment in the clinic is newer. If you feel any level of discomfort, you should consider a different surgeon.
Research Online Client Reviews
Word of mouth is still one of the best ways to determine whether a professional is good or not. It used to be that you would hope that someone you knew had engage with this professional in order to get feedback about this person’s job performance.
Today the internet provides us with an ability to get feedback and reactions from many people who have interacted with that person. You should utilize the internet to do research on reviews of the surgeon that you have targeted.
There many sites that offer feedback including social media sites as well. Those who have had interactions with the surgeon will be more than happy to share their experiences and whether they would recommend that person to anyone else.
It is important however that you look through enough reviews so that you get an honest and accurate assessment of the surgeon. Quite often people only peruse the first few comments which may have been planted by a marketing firm. Reading through dozens of reviews give you a more accurate picture of the surgeon. So take the time and go through many different reviews on several different sites.
You are selecting a cosmetic surgery procedure to correct a flaw, because you have a medical issue, or because you want to look more beautiful. For any of these reasons, you need to find the best surgeon. Do your homework and follow this guideline and you will get the results you want.