Category Archives: Health & Fitness
Water, Water, Everywhere: 3 Tips for Staying Hydrated
One of the basic needs that helps humans survive can often be the most overlooked. Water keeps everything from our skin to our organs working in tip-top shape. But staying hydrated is a process that isn't always easy.
There are several reasons why it's important to stay hydrated. Below are some key tips for staying hydrated and keeping your body healthy over the long-term.
Why Stay Hydrated?
Dehydration can occur at any time of the year and cause serious, long-term damage to your internal organs.
5 Inspiring Stories of Male Weight Loss Transformations
The obesity rate for young American men is 40.3%. Over the age of 40, that jumps up to 46.4%.
It's no secret there's an obesity problem in the United States, but not quite enough attention is paid to male weight loss transformations, even though their rates of obesity are higher than women's.
Ready to Be Inspired?
So let's take a little time to appreciate these transformations that men have achieved through diet, nutrition, a new exercise workout, and more to reduce their belly fat.
What Causes Low Libido in Females?: The Intimate Facts
Have you gone from having a healthy sexual appetite to feeling completely uninterested in sex? Low libido can cause personal anxiety as well as relationship pressure.
You don't need to panic. A low sex drive doesn't mean that it's gone, never to be seen again. Most of the time it can be treated by figuring out what is causing it.
So what causes low libido in females? Well, there are a number of possible causes ranging from daily habits to psychological stress and medical issues.
6 Impressive Benefits of CBD Oil
CBD is all the buzz, and for good reason. There are many benefits of CBD oil, ranging from helping you feel more relaxed to alleviating symptoms from serious health conditions, like cancer.
However, with all of the buzz around CBD, it can sometimes sound like a magical potion that cures every ailment. This can be off-putting to those who aren’t quite sure of the truth about CBD. While CBD is not a magical cure-all, it can improve your health and give you a better quality of life.
If you are
What Are Bunions?: A Guide to the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
According to research conducted in 2011, 36% of a study population experienced bunions. The research also indicated that bunions may impact women more than men, and the risk of bunions increases with age.
But what are bunions?
Keep reading this article to learn all about bunions, including why and how they form, how to treat bunions, and how to prevent bunions.
What Are Bunions?
First things first, what are bunions?
Bunions are deformities that impact the big toe. More specifically, they