Feeling Maxed Out? You Could Be on the Brink of Job Burnout
It goes without saying that being the man in charge, the go to guy, the big boss, can get downright stressful. Whether you’re dealing with an enormous amount of economic pressure, long work hours, or layoffs, the life of an executive can make you want to ball up in the fetal position and cry. There’s so much to do, so little time, and so few resources, that eventually, it all comes crashing down leaving you to pick up the pieces. Over time, the sleep deprivation, stress, and anxiety combined lead to serious health problems, diminished relationships, and poor performance.
Manageable Stress or Job Burnout?
You probably knew when you took the managerial or executive position that there’d be a lot on your plate to deal with. However, you welcome it with open arms. Stress, is a natural occurrence in life, and in some cases, it can push us to greatness. If you’re not properly managing stress, it can ultimately lead to a burnout. A job burnout is a specific type of stress. Basically, it is a state of feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally drained coupled with feelings of self doubt.
Could You Be Dealing with a Burnout?
Because the daily life of a manager or executive can be challenging, it can often be difficult to assess when you’ve reached the point of a potential burnout. Some questions you might consider asking yourself include:
1. Are your thoughts at work more pessimistic?
2. Do you find that you have to literally drag yourself to work?
3. Are you short tempered or impatient with your co workers or clients?
4. Do your accomplishments no longer satisfy you?
5. Have you been using food, drugs, or alcohol to feel better or to feel numb?
6. Are there significant changes in your sleeping or eating habits?
7. Do you have unexplainable pains such as body aches or headaches?
If you’ve answered yes to several of these questions, chances are likely that you’re dealing with a job burnout. The sooner you act on the matter; the better off it will be for your health and career.
What Causes a Job Burnout?
There are several reasons that someone in an executive or managerial position might experience a job burnout. Some of those reasons include:
· Lack of control in the office
· Hostile working environment
· Chaotic work schedule
· Lack of support
· The inability to balance home and work life
· Having a job that doesn’t align with your interests
Those likely to experience a job burnout are those that: identify strongly with work, extend themselves too far, have significant responsibilities, or have a job that is tedious.
What Are the Effects of a Burnout?
When you’re dealing with a burnout it is important to find ways to deal with the matter before things get worse. When a job burnout is ignored, some of the complications might include:
· Chronic stress or depression
· The inability to sleep or sleeping often
· High blood pressure
· Negative personal and professional relationships
· Weakened immune system
Ways to Deal with a Burnout
If you believe that you’re experiencing a burnout it is best to take action now. Below are a few suggestions on how to accomplish this:
· Learn to manage stress accordingly. For instance learning effective time management skills.
· Talk with your immediate supervisor about your problem to try and come up with solutions.
· Take a break from work
· Exercise more
· Pick up a hobby
· Get support from those you care about most
When Help May be Necessary
Generally, anyone dealing with a job burnout can likely manage things on their own. However, stress affects everyone differently, and how we cope may not be the best option. Many individuals turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to eliminate the pain they’re experiencing.
If your stress has reached this point, you may want to find out about entering a rehab for men where executive burnouts are treated. It allows you to be around a group of your peers who’ve shared similar experiences, while you learn feasible ways to manage stress and get back to living your life.
A job burnout is not something that should be brushed under the rug. It is not usually a condition that simply goes away with time or with a few drinks. While stress is certainly a mental condition, it can quickly affect you physically.
Don’t hide from what you might be experiencing, and reach out to your supervisor and others for support right away. The sooner you learn how to cope with all that is going on in your life, the better off it is for you, your career, and your family.